viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

My Journey.

This is a personal blog, in wich im going to share my journey twords a better man. the lessons i learn in the way, and the hard times and challenges i find myself involved at.

also, as english is not my first languaje, because im an Argentine living in Buenos Aires, stuff may sound wierd at times, just saying. haha.

the first entry will be about something that i've been thinking a lot about: Confidence.

I always knew what confidence ment. growing up i had glimpses of what confidence, being yourself and all of those cliches ment, but as life progressed, what myself was started to get some complicated and harder to define, as well as confidence started to loose its obviousness.

changes in my enviroment, moving arround and that kind of stuff challenged me to adapt to my new enviroment when my identity was not well established yet in myself, and this lead to the belief that changing who i was to fit in my enviroment was the way to happiness. this belief lasted most of my childhood, and remainings of this idea still appear in my behaviour even today, as a lesson learned as a child is one of the hardest things to get rid of.

There were many moments were i challenged this belief growing up, and found myself in the absolute oposit side of the spectrum: being the person people did not want me to be.

that was even worse, because not only i was not being myself, i was still defined by others, and also, people didnt even like me.

my journey has been defined by this extremes: trying to find myself in the way people saw me, and this was and still is a little today, my biggest challenge. not trying to make people like me, and in doing so, not trying to disconnect myself from their view of me either.

this challenge brought many lessons to be, the first will be shared with you next: how to gain and improve confidence and self belief.

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